========= API Usage ========= To use python-etcd3 in a project: .. code-block:: python import etcd3 and create a client: .. code-block:: python etcd = etcd3.client() This defaults to localhost, but you can specify the host and port: .. code-block:: python etcd = etcd3.client(host='etcd-host-01', port=2379) If you would like to specify options for the underlying GRPC connection, you can also pass it as a parameter: .. code-block:: python etcd = etcd3.client(grpc_options={ 'grpc.http2.true_binary': 1, 'grpc.http2.max_pings_without_data': 0, }.items()) Putting values into etcd ------------------------ Values can be stored with the ``put`` method: .. code-block:: python etcd.put('/key', 'dooot') You can check this has been stored correctly by testing with etcdctl: .. code-block:: bash $ ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl get /key /key dooot API === .. autoclass:: etcd3.Etcd3Client :members: .. autoclass:: etcd3.Member :members: .. autoclass:: etcd3.Lease :members: .. autoclass:: etcd3.Lock :members: